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Florida Hard Money Home Equity Loans Bad Credit

Posted by Brent on November 16, 2022

As interest rates or rising, inflation is rising banks or getting nervous and tightening the federal guidelines for lending. Many good borrowers with less-than-perfect credit will not be able to get a loan to refinance or home equity loan.

Our pool of private and hard money investors enjoy working with good borrowers of all types of credit. Hard and Private Money Lenders are seeking Equity in your home, condo, commercial property, investment properties, and vacation homes as your credit. They will allow you to borrow money based on the equity in your Florida Real estate with make-sense underwriting and lighting fast decisions without waiting, 30, 60, or 90 days to get a decision.

Reason to use a Hard Money Home Equity Loan

Your credit is bad

You have no credit

Your income is not up to par

Your employed history has gap over two years banks will not allow this

You have previous liens, foreclosure, and judgments - all a problem for banks, not private money investors

You are self-employed and depreciate all your income. This is an automatic turndown for a bank. However, for hard money lender, they will analyze your bank statements

A big part of your income is rental income which is allowed by private money lenders

Tax liens

Our network of hard and private money lenders will allow you to borrow against the equity in your Florida home not using credit. You can expect this when you apply for a Florida Home Equity loan with bad credit.

  1. Easy and Fast Answers
  1. No upfront closing costs
  2. Close in 14 days or less assuming no title problems, liens or encumbrances
  3. Streamline underwriting process
  4. No loan bank hassles
  5. 200 years of hard money experience with our private money investors and lenders and underwriting team
  6. Thousands of recommendations over 30-plus years.
  7. Low stress levels
  8. Low amount of documentation involved compared to a bank loan

Our Private Money Investors will allow you to borrow up to 65 of the value of your home leaving plenty of equity available and use your income and equity to get you qualified. They or flexible with DTI ratios where the banks will not be so flexible. Easy underwriting, once you have your approvals they order title and appraisal and get a few income documents and your loan application. The whole process is much easier and streamlined then a long bank application and then waiting 60 days and maybe get turned down.

Loan sizes vary with the lowers usually 30k up to 1 million loan amounts and various terms to be discussed with your loan officer and underwriter in the loan process. Your loan officer will always be available to answer your questions and direct access as well with your hard money lender. The loan process is easy, fast, simple, low stress and peace of mind is what you can expect when you try to get a Florida Hard Money Home Equity cash out refinance loan. Just because your credit is less than prefect you deserve a loan tailored to your financial needs. You deserve to get approved quickly and have a free proposal showing you how much you can quality for based on the equity in your home. This is a short term loan with the goal to help you improve your credit and quality for a better loan in the future. It’s a short term solution.

Reasons you need cash out:

To pay of high interest credit cards

Pay of car payment

Boat Payments

Use to Invest

To start a New Business

To Purchase Another Home

To pay of liens or judgments

Borrow cash out for Home Improvement

Pull cash out for college tuition

For medical reasons

The smartest reason I hope for most borrowers is to pay off high-interest credit cards, and take the thousands in saving and pay down your loan, improve your credit pay paying off high revolving debt, taking that saving and reinvesting the money. Eliminate debt and take control of your financial freedom. Call AHL Hard Money Network today at 813-368-9919 or apply on our website!

Free Consultation

To get started, CALL or TEXT 813-368-9919

or fill out this online form with your information. One of our team members will contact you shortly!
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We do not issue approvals. We are a marketing and lead portal. You will be contacted directly by our private investors. They will call you directly to determine the value and equity in your home and to help you throughout the approval process. Each inquiry is on a case by case basis. Thank you.

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