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Hard Money Loan an Option When Experiencing Foreclosure?

Posted by Brent on April 10, 2018

Homeowners facing or in the midst of foreclosure may not feel they have options to stop the foreclosure process. They do have an option by working with AHL Hard Money Network. Having the money to deal with the foreclosure can allow homeowners to either sell the property or work to find find another mortgage at terms they can afford.

Foreclosure Options

AHL Hard Money Network looks at the accumulated equity in the property and uses it to secure the hard money investment. Our investors are looking for shorter term loans from several months to perhaps a few years, so their interest is in finding homeowners who will be taking action to repay the loan. Hard money is not best for long-term financing, but rather to help clients resolve their financial issues.

Our investors will normally finance up to 55% of the home’s equity and can close the loan in a matter of days. This may allow the homeowner to pay of the mortgage held by the foreclosing entity. In the same way as a conventional mortgage, a hard money loan is secured by a first mortgage on the property and failure to repay can lead to the loss of your home. But, it’s often the best option available to homeowners already facing foreclosure and a loss of their property.

If you are facing foreclosure of your home, and you have run out of options to keep it, contact the AHL Hard Money Network and let us get you the money needed to stop the foreclosure. Our investors are ready and willing to help.

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We do not issue approvals. We are a marketing and lead portal. You will be contacted directly by our private investors. They will call you directly to determine the value and equity in your home and to help you throughout the approval process. Each inquiry is on a case by case basis. Thank you.

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