You may have worked hard to pay off the mortgage on your home over many years. Now you need some cash to do renovations or pay off other debt and the banks turn you down. If you are self-employed or have less than perfect credit conventional banks will often not provide you a loan. Is a hard money loan a good choice for you? AHL Hard Money Network says yes and here is why.
AHL Hard Money Network uses the equity in your home to secure the loan. We don’t require credit checks, endless paperwork, or complicated loan underwriting. A home owned free and clear is a perfect candidate for a hard money loan for this reason. Hard money loans are perfect if you want to avoid the hassles of conventional bank loans.
Another reason for using a loan from us is the speed of our loan processing. Perhaps you are looking for a second or vacation home, or need to pay off IRS debt before legal action is taken. Vacation properties can sell very quickly so you need to move fast to get the one you want. This is not the time to wait weeks for a conventional loan that may not happen. AHL Hard Money can pre-approve you for a loan with us, thereby allowing you to snatch up that perfect property when it comes on the market. If you are planning to purchase another property our investors typically look for you to provide a down payment of 35% to reduce their lending risk.
If you own your home free and clear and want to make use of that valuable equity you need to come to AHL Hard Money Network today for a hard money loan. For more information about our loan services please call 813-368-9919.
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