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Private Money Cash Out Refinance in Florida

Posted by Brent on January 8, 2025
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A private money cash-out refinance in Florida is a mortgage made by private investors and lenders instead of traditional banks or credit unions. These private investors charge more on interest rates than banks but will overlook many credit issues banks will not. This allows the borrower or homeowner to pull the equity out of the home, condo, or land and get the cash they need.

Understanding Private/Hard Money Loans

Private Money mortgage is offered by private individuals or a group of individuals rather than a normal bank or credit union.

Private money has more flexibility and relaxed underwriting guidelines than banks because credit is not the issue. The main thing is how much equity is in the you're home, condo, land, or investment property.

What is a Private Money Cash Out Loan?

The loan allows the borrower to refinance and pull out cash above what they current owe and use the extra equity to get the cash they need.

How Do I Obtain a Private Money Loan?

You will call the private money mortgage company. They will take and application. Gather some information and then the private investor will go inspect your property.

The investor will meet you personally and see the condition of the home and how much value if they want to do the loan.

Gather some information such as income, tax returns, and other items. Then they will order title and see if your title is clear and the appraisal. The timeline on this is about two weeks. Then if everything is fine you will get a clear to close.

Advantages of a Private Money Loan

  1. It's easy
  2. It's fast and no bank hassles
  3. You're a self-employed borrower
  4. You have a lack of income
  5. If you have gaps in your employment, banks will not overlook
  6. You need to close fast not wait 30 to 45 days like a bank
  7. You have had a recent bankruptcy or foreclosure in the past
  8. Nobody will give you a chance because of your credit.

A private money loan is much easier than a bank loan, but you have more cost and a higher rate associated with a private loan. It is meant as a short-term loan while you work on your credit. Many people will try a private money loan because they own their home free and clear however because of credit issues they can't use their bank. they or equity rich but credit poor. They need to get a loan in two weeks or less for an emergency, purchase another home, renovations, home improvement, and debt consolidation. Maybe to pay off IRS liens or judgments. Whatever the reason you can pull the cash out you need.

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Many commercial real estate properties benefit from private money because as a business owner, you depreciate everything and show a loss on your income. However, you might own your building and land outright. This is a great asset and allows you to access the equity in your business to expand or get additional capital.

So to recap the pros of a Private Money Loan:

  1. Speed: Private Money Lenders can move much faster than a bank. Typical closing times in two weeks or less.
  2. Quick Underwriting Times: Banks have very restrictive underwriting and the guidelines for private money are much less complicated.
  3. Fast Answers: Get approved on the spot if you are free and clear.

If you're looking to get money quickly, fast answers, and less restrictive loans, then a private money loan might be the answer to get the private money cashout in Florida.

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We do not issue approvals. We are a marketing and lead portal. You will be contacted directly by our private investors. They will call you directly to determine the value and equity in your home and to help you throughout the approval process. Each inquiry is on a case by case basis. Thank you.

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